miercuri, 3 decembrie 2014

in memoriam - Anna Frank - Doodle by Google

Google omagiaza azi a 119-ea aniversare a nasterii Annei.

Mai putin cunoscuta decat tatal ei Sigmund, Anna Freud a ramas in istoria umanitatii (si a custodiei comune) prin faptul ca a definit pentru prima data notiunea de interes superior al copilului (best child interest) notiune care a rasturnat prezumtia anilor tandri ce a guvenat a doua parte a secolului 19 si intregul secol 20. mai multe detalii aici http://goo.gl/cW2Oxj

Google has celebrated the 119th birthday of child psychologist Anna Freud, with a colourful doodle on its homepage. The doodle is a playful interpretation of Freud’s legacy, using multi-coloured shapes to reflect the complexity of her trade and the youth of her patients.
(mai multe detalii aici: http://goo.gl/cW2Oxj

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