
joi, 8 august 2013

Conferinta internationala pe tema custodiei comune in Bonn

Dear colleagues,
Attached please find the Final Programme and the List of Participants for the Kick-off Workshop of the International Platform on Shared Parenting that will be held in Bonn, Germany, on 10-11 August 2013.
Following increased demand for additional virtual participation, we are currently working on a suitable and affordable solution for video streaming or a similar technique. Interested invitees are kindly asked to send me a short confirmation by e-mail for our further planning.
We are looking forward to a fruitful event.
Best regards,
Angela Hoffmeyer
Project Manager and
Member of Federal Board
Väteraufbruch für Kinder e. V.
Mobile +49-170-800 46 15
eMail [email protected]

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